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4 factors that will ensure the success of your event


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When organizing events, we often wonder what can be done to make it a success in terms of the number of attendees. Will the participants be interested in our hybrid conference? Or will they only visit us when we organize a lavish, spectacular Great Gatsby-style event? Well, to be honest, probably quite a few of them will, but rest assured, there are also easier ways than renting a huge villa on Long Island, and we're already telling you which ones.


To begin with, you need to lean on the date of the event. For example, organizing an event in the summer can result in a slightly smaller number of attendees due to the holiday season.  On the other hand, it can be quite an advantage for the organizer himself. If the employees of an organization have more time to engage in the proper preparation of materials, such a period may prove to be a hit. However, first of all, when picking the date, it is necessary to have a good understanding of our target group.

Target group

That is, the question, "Who is the main audience of the event?". A good understanding of this topic somewhat solves the question of the date itself. After all, when organizing a scientific conference for universities, we won't set the date for mid-August due to university employees' vacations. Therefore, the target group must be well defined and appropriately named.


All right, we already know who we are organizing the event for, but how should we reach those people? This is where all kinds of social media and partner channels come to our aid. We live in an era that allows us to use all kinds of channels to reach our audience - whether with an optimized event campaign, or with a slightly simpler promotional campaign on Linkedin, Facebook or Instagram. One of the most effective ways is to work with partners who reach the desired target audience on a daily basis. These can range from media partners to influencers, who have broad access to the group we care about. Often, registered attendees can also help us promote the event - for example, it is enough to send them dedicated graphics to publish on social media or referral codes for industry friends.

Theme and content

Although this is a fairly obvious point, it is worth mentioning. The theme of an event should be well-crafted and appropriately tailored to the target audience, as this will increase the chances of participants returning for possible future editions. Unless our event is a webinar hosted by the organizer himself, the speakers are responsible for the creation of the content provided during the event.

Engagement of speakers

Here we should also mention another superpower of the speakers. We usually select specialists in a particular field to speak at our event. Such people mostly also have their own social media channels like Linkedin or Instagram, bringing together audiences for whom this content is of interest. Therefore, it is worth using these channels to reach potential participants of our event in consultation with the speakers.