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Why should I hire a moderator for an online event?

May 17, 2023


reading time

A conference host is a key figure at any major stationary event. Their task is not only to introduce the speakers, prepare the audience for their performances, and say a few entertaining anecdotes and jokes but most importantly to ensure the smooth running of the entire event and to "take care" of the participants. And who takes care of the participants of online and hybrid events who do not appear at the event in person and choose to participate remotely, for example, through an event platform? This task belongs to the moderator, and their presence can significantly affect the quality of your event and the level of attendee satisfaction. In this article, we will tackle the aspects of an online event a moderator should pay attention to.

Moderating chat and encouraging discussion

At an online event, chat is one of the most important spaces that allows communication between participants and between presenters and speakers, and makes the event "alive." When dealing with a smaller online audience, the moderator's main task should be to encourage people to contribute to the conversation, ask questions and share their thoughts. In the case of hundreds or even thousands of participants, there is a good chance that the chat discussion will not need any cheering, but on the contrary, policing order and maintaining certain standards. Then the moderator or a group of moderators should focus on keeping an eye on the proper standard of discussion and removing comments that do not comply with the rules (e.g., are obtrusively advertising their own products or services, are offensive, inappropriate, or vulgar).

Contests and networking attractions

To ensure that the level of participant engagement during an online event remains high throughout the event, consider holding a contest or offering attractions such as quizzes, gamification challenges, or speed networking sessions to the audience. And who can best handle proposing and conducting such attractions? The moderator, of course! Often it is the charisma of the moderator that is the factor that will encourage more people to participate in the contest and make it an enjoyable attraction for them to gain strength before the next substantive parts of the event.

Wellbeing of participants

Engaging participants is one thing, but organizers should also keep in mind their physical and mental well-being. As an online event often equals several hours spent in front of a monitor or laptop screen, the moderator's task should be to keep an eye on breaks, during which participants will have the opportunity to use the restroom, eat a meal or simply relax and replenish their energy before the next program points.

Checklist: moderator's tasks during an online event

1. Moderating the chat room and encouraging participants to participate in discussions

2. Conducting contests and providing networking activities

3. Taking care of the participants' well-being